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Financial support for under 19s


There are two different bursaries available to the 16-18 age group. Bursary payments do not have to be repaid. If you or your parent/carer receive certain benefits for example income support, you may also be entitled to free college meals.

Please note:

  • Bursaries are now open for returning students only
  • New applicants will be able to apply from 26 June
  • It may take up to eight weeks to process your bursary application
  • You don’t need to meet all of the eligibility criteria, if one or more applies to you then you will qualify for the help we can offer.

Visit the bursary application portal*

*You can use this portal at any time to check the status of your bursary application.

16 - 18 Student Support Fund


  • Household income below £40,000
  • Student or parent/carer in receipt of a qualifying benefit.

Help available

  • West Notts College travel pass (minimum of studying a course for two or more days per week)
  • Help with public transport costs if bus travel isn’t available
  • Support for compulsory kit/uniform
  • Free college meals if claiming an eligible qualifying benefit*
  • Exams – 100% towards exam resit cost
  • 50% towards UK university interview travel costs
  • UCAS application fee
  • A total of £250 towards curriculum-based trips throughout the academic year.

16-18 Vulnerable Student Bursary


  • Student in care, care leaver or living independently
  • Student in receipt of a qualifying benefit or care status confirmation from Local Authority to receive.

Help available

  • Up to £1200, which could be a combination of the following; a student welcome pack and/or attendance related bursary payment per week (assessed award value)
  • West Notts College travel pass (minimum of studying a course for two or more days per week)
  • Help with public transport costs if bus travel isn’t available
  • Support for compulsory kit/uniform
  • A total of £250 towards curriculum-based trips throughout the academic year
  • UCAS application fee
  • Exams – 100% towards exam resit cost
  • Free college meals if claiming eligible qualifying benefit*
  • 50% towards UK university interview travel costs.

*Eligibility for free college meals

  • Universal Credit - net earnings must not exceed £7,400
  • Universal Credit - no income
  • Child Tax Credit with an income of no more than £16,190 (Working tax credit is not a qualifying benefit for free college meals)
  • In receipt of income support or income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Guarantee element of Pension Credit or below £16,000.

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