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Thursday 26 September | 5.30-7.30pm


Work Placement Service

All full time students will access meaningful work experience which is relevant to their chosen pathway.

The service

Students will have access to an online careers and work placement platform and support with work experience opportunities to explore possibilities in a working environment and also support their future progression.

We encourage our students to value the importance of securing work experience as it is a mandatory requirement of their course. This leads to significant benefits, job offers, paid apprenticeships, enhances their CV, provides an opportunity to practice their technical and soft skills, expected by future employers.

Can you support a young person with a work placement?

We are continuously looking for employers to give the future workforce a taste of the working world.

All students now have to complete a work placement as a mandatory part of their course. Can you help?

Are you able to provide:

  • Employer talks
  • Tours of your work place
  • 3 days to a week work placements
  • An industry placement of 45 days

You may wish to support young talent to build confidence and practice skills if you are a business owner or your employer may value helping young people to inspire and develop the skills of the future talent pipeline.

Please get in touch if you can help.

The work placement platform

Your child will be able to look at new work placement opportunities, record their work placement diary, receive employer feedback, complete a health and safety check and much more.

Top tips to securing a placement

We also encourage students to find a work placement, practicing key skills they will need to secure a job in the future. If you have contacts that you could approach, introductions are a positive route to securing placements.

Industry placement

The education system is changing with the introduction of Technical or T Levels. Students will have the opportunity to complete or extend their placement to complete a full industry placement in preparation. This allows your son or daughter to develop strong links with employers and can be used as a trial for future apprenticeship opportunities.

Contact the work placement team

Why choose West Notts?

The number 96.2% written in a circle

96.2% A Level pass rate in 2022.

An icon of a tick and checkbox in a circle

One of the top colleges in the UK for student satisfaction.**Learner Exit Survey 2019/20

An icon of a bus in a circle

We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.

An icon of a building in a circle

We have four campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

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