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Thursday 26 September | 5.30-7.30pm


Celebrating a spectrum of inclusion

Posted: 13 February 2023

West Nottinghamshire College has been presented with the Rainbow Flag award, having successfully achieved all the elements required to earn such an accolade.

This is a national quality assurance framework which focuses on positive LGBT+ inclusion and visibility for schools and colleges and with thanks to organisational development manager Sara Arnold and with the support of student coach Wayne Golding, the college is now flying the flag with pride.

The college has proven that it is actively focusing on positive LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities) inclusion and visibility. It is encouraging a whole organisation approach to LGBT+ inclusion, as well as developing strategies to effectively challenge and combat LGBT+ phobic bullying.

The Rainbow Flag Award demonstrates a commitment to improve the lives of all the young people that the college works with and has been evidenced by the successful monthly and termly LGBT+ meetings across the many campuses, which fully-enable students to raise matters amongst like-minded peers.

The certificate was presented on Tuesday (31 January) by Georgia Crossland, the service manager at the Centre Place and LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire. Georgia said: “The college took part in the year-long assessment process and engaged in submitting modules and evidence to show how they are being LGBT+ inclusive. They’ve worked really hard, getting all areas of the college involved, so it’s a pleasure to present the certificate to West Notts staff and students.”

Organisational development manager Sara Arnold said: “Staff engagement has been really positive; the process has enabled us to identify the most appropriate ways to implement positive LGBT+ inclusion within our organisation.  

“We have evidenced some fantastic LGBT+ inclusive teaching practice that takes place within the college and we have been supported by the LGBT+ Nottinghamshire team who have facilitated some excellent internal training with our staff on transgender awareness and learning about terminology, which has been well-received.”

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