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Thursday 26 September | 5.30-7.30pm


Standards are still glowing for guidance teams

Posted: 26 July 2022

West Nottinghamshire College’s careers advice and guidance team are celebrating the reaccreditation of an industry benchmark for the fifteenth year running.

Some of the team members with their Matrix award
Some of the team members with their Matrix award

They are now sharing the Matrix Standard status with colleagues in the work placement team for their high standards and excellence offered to students.

In the reaccreditation report, both teams were praised for their extensive expertise and knowledge which supports students to make sense of their current studies and their next steps. This is done through the teams’ delivery of guidance, careers advice and work placement support.

The co-ordinated approach of the careers programme and the innovative and creative visuals and resources for staff and students was give high credit.

Peer support across the two teams was recognised, as was the shared aim to support students in their choices of employer links and future careers.

Teams’ line management was highlighted as a strength, with staff feeling safe, supported and able to seek assistance at any time, as well as take advantage of peer-to-peer support, mutual respect and care provided.

The newly introduced Grofar app was noted as an excellent service which is encouraging students to record their progress on work placements, saying that it has been a positive, user friendly and accessible tool so far.

Teams are building meaningful and valuable relationships with key networks, employers and partners, enabling them to benefit from a range of information, progression routes and training resources.

Systems of evaluating and analysing data was applauded, showing how information across the teams is shared so staff can easily consider improvements, note success and look at areas for development.

Employability and progression manager Maxine Buttery said: “We are justifiably proud that the college’s team of professional careers advisers continue to hold the Matrix Standard and I’m delighted that our work placement team’s qualities are now recognised amongst the strengths that were praised in the report.

“The careers team works incredibly hard to support students, prospective students and members of the public in their choices both inside and outside of college. Together we hold a wealth of experience and knowledge and it’s always a pleasure to be able to offer great advice to people.

“I was really humbled to read in the report some excellent feedback from our students who have clearly benefitted and developed confidence and new skills through the advice and guidance of the teams.”

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