Career spotlight
Elected officers and representatives
Average National Salaries ()
Age 20
Age 35
Age 50
Average salary in the East Midlands: N/A
What does this career do?
Elected representatives in national government formulate and ratify legislation and government policy, act as elected representatives in Parliament, European Parliament, Regional Parliaments or Assemblies, and as representatives of the government and its executive. Elected officers in local government act as representatives in the local authority and participate in the formulation, ratification and implementation of local government policies.
Typical tasks
- represents constituency within the legislature and advises and assists constituents on a variety of issues
acts as a Party representative within the constituency
participates in debates and votes on legislative and other matters
holds positions on parliamentary or local government committees
tables questions to ministers and introduces proposals for government action
recommends or reviews potential policy or legislative change, and offers advice and opinions on current policy
advises on the interpretation and implementation of policy decisions, acts and regulations
studies and acts upon any legislation that may affect the local authority.
Current entry requirements
Entry is by election.
Percentage in work
Due to insufficient sample sizes, some data was excised.
Predicted employment status in 2022
Self Employed
Predicted employment levels in the East Midlands
Career related courses available at West Notts
About the statistics
Data is powered by LMI for All and is sourced from labour market statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the Institute for Employment Research, the Department for Works and Pensions, and the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.