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Holiday camp success for youngsters

Posted: 23 April 2024

An Easter holiday camp hosted by West Nottinghamshire College has given youngsters a chance to be active, make new friends and release their creative sides.

The half-term holiday camp was held at the college thanks to funding from Nottinghamshire County Council as part of the government’s Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme.

The project was designed to help families whose children receive free school meals to experience fun activities and a lunchtime meal, free of charge.

It saw more than 20 children ranging from 5 to 11 in age attend activities at the college across four days throughout the Easter holidays, which were supervised by students on sport, childcare and uniformed protective services courses.

Sessions included a visit to the college’s animal care unit, an interactive book corner reading in the library, sports and fun activities in the sports hall, a drama session teaching how to express emotions and a craft session to bring out the young artists’ skills.

The college’s programme area leader for sport, Scott Corah, who co-ordinated the activities, said: “The holiday camp was an incredible success. We wanted to ensure that our students were key in running this series of activities for the children so they could practice their coaching and activity leadership skills as well as get realistic experiences of planning events, ready for their next steps in education or employment.

“Our students very ably supported children who were a little anxious, encouraging them to take part and catering to every need, enabling each child to be included in something. Some of the children who had never been to a farm or zoo before had the opportunity to handle the animals in the college’s animal care unit and they interacted brilliantly with each other.

“The organisation of the days went brilliantly and I’m very grateful to all departments within the college who made this a success and provided some great experiences to benefit the children.”

One of the parents of the children, Katie Pettiford said: “All three of my children have had the best time at the half-term camp and asked if they can come every week! Thank you for giving them a lovely few days.”

The next holiday camp will be held during the school summer holidays at the college’s Derby Road campus, Mansfield, on 30 and 31 July, 6 and 7 August, 13 and 14 August and 20 and 21 August. 

Anyone who is interested should click the link and register their interest. Children who take part must be in receipt of free school meals and be aged 5-11 years old.

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