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Thursday 6 March | 5.30-7.30pm


Students achieve their goal at football ground

Posted: 22 February 2023

West Nottinghamshire College’s early years students have joined the crowds at Mansfield’s One Call stadium with a fundraising mission in mind.

The group of childcare students spent a worthwhile afternoon at Mansfield Town Football Club’s ground on a match day at the end of January, volunteering for Sheffield-based Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.

After Christmas the students reached out to students across the college to enquire who would be happy to volunteer with them with their collection buckets and they were lucky to get 11 kind volunteers who gave up their Saturday to bring in the funds.

The groups raised over £600 in their buckets to help this well-known charity, which helps children who are at the end of their lives, as well as providing their families with support and respite care. The charity helps lots of children from across South Yorkshire, North Derbyshire, North Nottinghamshire and parts of North Lincolnshire.

Learning company and enrichment coach Eleanor O’Hara said: “This group was fabulous! They raised lots of cash and they all had a great day. I would like to say I am very proud of each and every one of the students, as this also helped with their confidence and offered other transferrable skills.”

Bluebell Wood’s regional fundraiser for Worksop and North Notts, Hannah Goulding attended the fundraiser with colleague, regional fundraising manager, Ruth Wallbank.

Hannah said: “Without the students volunteering, we wouldn’t have had such a successful day. We raised £612.35 and raised lots of awareness for the hospice and the work we do supporting children and their families living with life limiting conditions. They were all brilliant and were great ambassadors for both the hospice and for West Notts College.”

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